"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." - Jimi Hendrix

"Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." - Henry Ford

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Reconstruction and Revolution in Asia

45.) The HUAC was the Committe on Un-American Activities. It was established by the House of Representatives to look into subversion. In 1948, Richard Nixon chased after Alger Hiss after allegations that he was a communist agent. Though he was not proven to be a communist agent, he was sent to jail for five years for perjury.

46.) Along with Nixon and McCarthy, conservative politicians in local and state governments discovered that they could taint anything they disliked with a "red brush."

47.) Anti-communist crusaders led an attack to rid the states of anything communist. They raided school libraries in search of "subversive" books. They also kicked out anyone they thought to be security risks out of their jobs which included debtors, drinkers, and homosexuals.

48.) Some Americans including Truman realized that the hunt for reds was only a witch hunt (it was jsut crazy talk...) He vetoed the McCarran Internal Security Bill in 1950 which allowed the president to arrest suspicious people in a time of internal emergency. The bill was passed over Truman's veto shortly after.